Privacy Policy
SeedWill Consulting Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 13 June 2018. It is classified as Non-Govt. company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Delhi. Chanel Partner RERA NO: RC/REA/HARERA/GGM/2018/463. SeedWill Consulting Private Limited Corporate Identification Number is (CIN) U70109HR2018PTC074544 and its registration number is 74544, having a registered office at H.NO-51, 2nd FLOOR, SECTOR-18 Gurugram, Haryana – 122016. This Privacy Policy applies regardless of whether you use a computer, mobile phone, tablet, or television or any other media or computer resource to access our Services. It also applies to those who register on our website/applications in connection with the use of our services. We value your trust and respect your right to privacy. This Privacy Policy provides you with details about the manner in which your data is collected, stored and used by us. It is important that you read the Privacy Policy carefully because whenever you use our website/applications, your Personal Data will be processed (if at all) in accordance with this policy.
Personal Data And Its Collection
Personal Data include name, address, mobile number, email ID, etc. Every effort shall be made to keep the information provided by the users in a safe manner, the information will be displayed on the website will be done so only after obtaining consent from the users.
You are solely responsible for maintaining confidentiality of the User password and user identification and all activities and transmission performed by the User through his user identification and shall be solely responsible for carrying out any online or off-line transaction involving credit cards/debit cards or such other forms of instruments or documents for making such transactions and SeedWill assumes no responsibility or liability for their improper use of information relating to such usage of credit cards/debit cards used by the subscriber online / off-line.
Information Collected When You Use Our Website
We collect information about you or your usage to provide better services to all of our users. We collect information in the following ways: Name, Contact Number, email ID, Address, etc. When you use the SeedWill website/applications to contact SeedWill or give feedback through or give a Testimonial, we will ask for Personal Data such as Name, Email ID and Contact number.
We collect data about the services that you use and how you use them. This data includes log information and location information We may collect your data through campaigns and publicly available sources. When you communicate with SeedWill or use the SeedWill platform to communicate with other members, we collect data about your communication and any data you choose to provide
If you choose to sign in with your social media account to access SeedWill, or otherwise connect your social media account with the services of SeedWill, you consent to our collection, storage, and use, in accordance with this Privacy Policy, of the data that you make available to us through the social media interface. Please see your social media provider’s privacy policy and help centre for more information about how they share data when you choose to connect your account.
Does The Site Use Cookies?
SEEDWILL Consulting may use “cookies.” A cookie is a small text file that a website places on your computer’s hard drive that allows the website’s server to keep track of and facilitate certain activities on the site. Cookies help provide information to us about how users are using the Site. Cookies also allow us to remember you and your preferences. Among other purposes, we may use cookies to make it easier for you as a user to log in or make purchases or to make visits to the website otherwise more efficient. We use information that we obtain by cookies, to the extent it is or becomes personal information, in accordance with the terms of this policy. You may be able to set your browser to accept all cookies, block certain cookies, require your consent before a cookie is placed, or block all cookies. Please consult the “Help” section of your browser for more information on cookies generally.
Please note that if you reject all cookies, you may not be able to take advantage of certain Site offerings.
Tracking technologies may record information such as Internet domain and host names; Internet protocol (IP) addresses; browser software and operating system types; clickstream patterns; and dates and times that our website/applications are accessed. Our use of cookies and other tracking technologies allows us to improve our website/applications and your Web experience. We may also analyse data that does not contain Personal Data for trends and statistics.
Consent To International Transfer Of Data
When you use or participate in any of our Services and/or provide us your details, your data may be transferred outside India for processing consistent with this Privacy Policy. Please note that the data protection laws of countries to which your data may be transferred will be at least the same level as that of India.
In case your data is first processed in the India/GCC/UK, it may be transferred outside India to share with SeedWill, affiliates and/or trusted partners for processing consistent with this Privacy Policy. However, such transfers will be made only while appropriate protective measures exist to protect your transferred data (e.g. – contractual clauses with the respective entities with whom the data will be shared).
Third-Party Links And Content On Services
Our Services may link to third-party websites/applications and services that are outside our control. Further, SeedWill, its group companies, its affiliates, and their directors and employees accept no liability and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly (including special, incidental or consequential, punitive, or exemplary loss, damage or expenses) from your use of any application or any site or inability to use by any party, howsoever arising, and including any loss, damage or expense arising from, but not limited to, any defect, error, omission, interruption, imperfection, fault, mistake or inaccuracy with any online application, its contents or associated services, or due to unavailability of any application or any part thereof or any contents or associated services even if SeedWill are advised of the possibility of such damages, losses or expenses.
Security And Confidentiality
SeedWill Consulting makes sure at all times to implement reasonable security practices and procedures (such as managerial, operational, physical and technical) for the purpose of protection and safeguarding of your Personal Data as the same is of vital importance to SeedWill. At SeedWill, we are strongly committed to protecting the personal information that you submit to us.
SeedWill shall ensure to safeguard the security and confidentiality of any data you share with us. Any of your personally identifiable data obtained by us shall not be used or shared other than for the purposes to which you consent. However, despite our utmost efforts to protect your Personal Data, SeedWill cannot warrant the security of any data you transmit to us through our online services/ applications. By accepting this Privacy Policy, you accept that such transmission of your Personal Data is done at your own risk.
Lastly, you are requested to help us protect your data privacy by maintaining the secrecy of the personal information you use for any of our services.
Should You Want To Opt Out
If we possess your contact information, we may want to keep you posted about our products, services, and events, through email. Should you prefer not to keep up to date with SeedWill news and latest information on services and receive such marketing materials, please send an email to unsubscribe - However, such withholding of information or withdrawal of consent may result in us not being able to provide services and facilities and we reserve its right to take appropriate action with respect to any obligations or in relation to any contract under which such Personal Data was sought. We will update your preferences as soon as reasonably practical. However, do note, if you opt out of our mailing list, as described here, we may not be able to remove your Personal Data from all databases of SeedWill or other 3rd parties. For that, you would need to raise a request to erase your data.
SeedWill Consulting Private Limited shall not be liable for any loss or damage sustained by reason of any disclosure (inadvertent or otherwise) of any information concerning personal data and particulars nor for any error, omission or inaccuracy with respect to any information so disclosed and used whether or not in pursuance of a legal process or otherwise. SeedWill does not store any Credit\ Debit card details. Any other personal and sensitive Personal Data shared by you which is not asked by SeedWill during registration, either mandatorily or optionally; accounts to wilful and intentional furnishing; and SeedWill will not be liable for breach of such information.
No Contractual Obligation
Please note that this Privacy Policy does not create any contractual or other legal rights in or on behalf of any party, nor is it intended to do so.
Intellectual Property Rights
Please note that SeedWill Consulting retains all rights (including copyrights, trademarks, patents as well as any other intellectual property right) in relation to all data provided on or via this website/applications (including all texts, graphics, and logos).
DND Clauses
It is under legitimate authority of the organisation to notify and reach out to the patrons even if they have opted for a DND schematic plan in their network paradigm, the organisation is under no obligation to adhere to the same. The organisation is liable to intersect the information being provided by any 3rd party in its decorum, this by no means quantifies for breaching any personal data. The data gained through external or internal reference qualifies for its autonomous legitimacy, the organisation is under no obligation to contest for any claims against it. The organisation takes no responsibility for any fraudulent misemployment of the data, with the knowledge that paramount care is being provided for its clientele.
Changes To This Privacy Policy
SeedWill Consulting reserves the right to change or update this Privacy Policy or any other of our policies/practices at any time without giving any prior notification; hence, you are requested to review the Privacy Policy periodically, to make sure that you are aware of any such changes. This Privacy Policy shall apply uniformly to SeedWill website and SeedWill applications or any other media used by SeedWill for its Services. Any changes or updates will be effective immediately upon posting the same on our web site at
Data Privacy Issues And Whom To Contact
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this Privacy Policy or about how we handle your Personal Data, please get in touch with us at privacy